Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Final Blog Post

I've actually really enjoyed the blogging assignment! My only problem with it was trying to find the time to do it daily. Days where I was really busy, I'd fall asleep before getting around to posting anything, or I'd forget about it entirely. Some days, I had writer's block and struggled more. I would look over a hundred writing prompts and not a single one of them would spark an idea. That's always what I looked for in a prompt. Whatever idea that could start the gears turning in my head would be what I picked.

I feel like the blog has increased my fluency and creativity. I used a lot of writing prompts to come up with ideas of what to write about. I liked to pick the prompts that had a the potential of being different and creative. It was more fun! I would actually find myself trying to suddenly wrap my story up before I got too carried away. Some of my blogs I could have spent the better part of an hour just writing.

At first, I hated the idea of blogs. I thought, how am I supposed to write one of these everyday? That's just absurd. I was wrong. It really isn't that much of a challenge. I quickly found that they were enjoyable to write. I think I'm going to miss my daily blogs. Sometimes I'd use them just to right about the ups and downs of my day. Others, I'd just have a blast with making up whatever random story a writing prompt inspired me to write.

While the writing blogs seemed like a silly idea at first, I feel like they really do improve writing fluency. I could feel myself write with more each as time progressed. I'm thankful for this assignment, not only was it enjoyable most days, but I feel like my writing has at least improved some.

1 comment:

  1. Breanna - You should be quite pleased with both your progress and your body of work here on your blog. Keep writing! ~Ms. A.
