October 3, 2014
Prompt: Flesh out this character: Juilana Ritter, 53; she is an extrovert but gets easily depressed.
This will be written from Juilana's point of view.
I'm really excited about going out with some work friends tonight! We're going to a fancy restaurant that one of the younger girls had heard about and wanted to try out. I'm wearing my best dress out and my expensive pair of high heels. I'm the oldest of the girls in the department I work in, so I want to fit in with the others. I'm sure they'll be wearing their most flashy outfits. Hopefully, we'll turn this into a weekly event. I love going out with my friends on the weekends.
I was disappointed to see I was the first of my group to get to the restaurant. That meant I would have to awkwardly wait in silence on everyone else. It's kind of a letdown to be the only person to take this seriously enough to show up on time. Oh, here they are! I'm excited now that everyone is here.
The waiter sets each of our dishes in front of us. I had ordered a seafood alfredo, not wanting to order anything that would be too unhealthy. I chatted with the girls about the new clothing store that had opened up not far from the restaurant. I glanced down as I thought one of the noodles had slipped off my fork. Sure enough, the noodle had landed right on my lap. I let out a loud gasp. My dress is absolutely ruined! A stain like that couldn't be missed!
All of the girls assured me that the stain was small and blended in with the color of the dress. I didn't believe them. I gloomily picked at the rest of my food. The night was a complete disaster. I just wanted to go home and change out of the dress. Maybe I should just become an introvert.
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