Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014

Prompt: Reasons for sleeping in.

Beep! Beep! Beep! My noisy alarm clock buzzes, instantly cutting my subconscious off in the middle of a dream. I groan and roll over. My eyes stay tightly shut as I fling my arm out from under the warm depths of my blanket. I blindly roam my hand over my nightstand, feeling nothing but the cold wood. My fingers finally wrap themselves around my old phone. Gotcha! I shut off the alarm without opening my eyes. I've learned the buttons I have to press. It's purely muscle memory now.

I know I have places I need to be, but a few minutes of laying in bed won't hurt. I didn't get to bed very early, so I'm sure this little rest will help my body prepare for the rest of the day. My eyes sure are enjoying the prolonged break. I have to do what's best for them, right? My health is extremely important. If I don't make the right decision, it could alter my entire performance today. My eyes will try to shut and get the rest I so rudely deprived them of.

Not to mention my brain! It constantly works, but I'm sure it feels more at ease while I'm asleep. I'd hate to overwork it. I'm sure it's pretty stressed right now from the struggle of juggling work and school. It would just be terrible of me to not let it have another hour to relax. My brain is in charge of my entire body, so it would be in my best interest to let it get a breather. Otherwise, I'll be fumbling around all day and be half asleep.

Once I actually roll out of bed, I'll have to actually be productive. So I could just lay here an extra hour or two... I'd rather avoid the large amount of homework that will be due later. Not to mention I have work. I'm not really in the mood to socialize. I'm sure if I get a little more rest, I'll be a bit more of a people person. So this extra nap is purely for the sake of society. I'm such a good person! I smile to myself and dig myself deeper into the den of blankets. Just one more hour of sleep... or maybe two.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem, i end up spending way to much time laying down than actually doing things. Im sure my productivity would triple if i got up on my first alarm.
