Saturday, September 20, 2014

Prompt: 5 things you would do to entertain yourself if you did not see a soul for seven days.

If I didn't see a soul for seven days, that would mean I didn't have work. My job requires a lot of dealing with people so I'd kind of enjoy a break from that. I know I would probably start off with a giant collection of books. I always get interrupted while I'm reading so I'd enjoy the peace and quiet that came along with not seeing anyone for a week. Not to mention, books are like their own little worlds. Reading would probably make the week go by more smoothly. It wouldn't be nearly as lonely.

I don't know if this counts as seeing a soul or not, but I would call my best friends. I can talk on the phone for hours if it's with someone I'm really close to. It wouldn't be the same as actually seeing my friends, but it would be nice to actually be able to communicate with someone.

I would eventually grow bored and turn on the television. I don't know if I would have it on a comedy or if I would put on some of my favorite movies. The only problem with this is I like watching movies with other people. So I'm sure that form of entertainment wouldn't last long.

Music would definitely be another one of my first choices. Dancing and singing along would be a great way to pass a few hours of the day. Or if it's the right artist, I could sit and listen on repeat for a long length of time.

I absolutely love to draw, but I haven't really spent several hours working on a drawing for a few months now. I would find a project that would take me a long time to complete and start on it. I'm able to focus on my drawing best when it's quiet and no one is watching me draw. I don't work well with distractions.

I know I always like the idea of alone time, but I wouldn't want an entire week by myself. That would  get boring pretty fast.

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