September 24, 2014
Prompt: Write a letter to someone you feel you need to spend more time with.
Dear "Best Friend",
We have grown apart over the years. It became more obvious this last year. I had responsibilities I had to take care of and you just didn't understand. I was growing up, while you were able to keep your carefree lifestyle. I know the fact I didn't have free time annoyed you. And for that, I'm sorry. I did try to make plans, but you'd always end up canceling last minute.
Since we've graduated, the distance has not just figuratively grown, but literally as well. I get maybe five texts every three or so days from you. Anytime we plan to have a phone call to catch up on the past few weeks, you never respond. I have to admit, the silence is hard to handle.
We used to be a package deal. We'd always be together and knew every little detail about each other's lives. When you came to visit a little over a month ago, it felt different. Our conversations didn't flow and seem so light hearted. The laughter came a little forced. When did we get this way?
I miss my old best friend. I know you have a lot going on, but for old times sake, can you put in a little more effort? I hope to hear back from you soon.
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