September 16, 2014
So tomorrow is my birthday. It doesn't even feel possible. I could have sworn I had one just a few months ago. I think everyone else is more excited about it than I am. Even all of the people I work with get grins on their faces hearing that my birthday is approaching. That leaves me feeling seriously paranoid. I work as a cashier at a fairly small grocery store. Only one of my fellow cashiers is a guy and even he is in on this. Actually, he told me he was plotting with my manager of ways they could embarrass me. We have an intercom system at work and I have a feeling that's going to be the method of torture. They'll announce my birthday over the intercom so all of my customers will be sure to either give me a hard time or wish me a happy birthday. I know it's actually really sweet they all care so much, but it literally takes nothing to embarrass me. I'll be the color of a red delicious apple, I'm sure.
Honestly, I don't think I really get the importance of birthdays. We get older every day, not just the day we were born on. Then there's the tradition of birthday cake. Where did that come from exactly? Why don't we eat things like pie or cookies? I'm sure if I googled it I would find some sort of explanation on why we eat cake, but maybe I'll do that another time. It just doesn't make sense to me. We can eat cake every day, why is it the first food item that comes to mind when we think of birthdays? Maybe it's because we can personalize a cake with a name and candles to mark how old the celebrated person is. I'm not sure. Okay, I'm going to end my pointless rant about cake. I'll let you guys know if I feel significantly older tomorrow! Who knows, I may need a cane as a gift!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am sure birthdays are meant to mark years, but the journey. Enjoy the journey. ~Ms. A.