September 25, 2014
Prompt : Write about a time where you hid from someone, or a time you disguised who you really were.
My story will describe some background information for it to make sense. I had received a text from an unknown number and decided to respond. The other person seemed confused that I wasn't the person they were trying to get ahold of. I told them it was fine and it hadn't bothered me. The guy wanted to continue talking so we just asked really pointless questions. Things that wouldn't put me in any sort of danger. I didn't give out my address or last name. My best friend and I had texted this guy for a few months. We had found out he only lived about 30 minutes away and was our age. We assumed that we would never ever meet this guy. What would the odds be of ever running into him? He had wanted us to all hang out, but my best friend and myself were both cautious and felt that wasn't a smart idea. Who knew if this guy was some weirdo?
So we hadn't been talking to this guy very much lately. He had gotten clingy so we pretty much just sort worded him. We were both too nice to just completely stop talking to him. But we had gone out to a city that was closer to where this guy had lived, not thinking anything of it. Be barely talked to the guy so he wasn't on our minds. Turns out, my best friend had mentioned we were out of town and he had happened to be in the city too. So my best friend and I immediately backtrack and try to find a way out of the situation without sounding rude. This guy had planned on meeting us and neither of us had the desire to meet him. So we told him we were at a mall. It was a fairly large location so we thought even if he didn't happen to be there, it would be easy to "miss him". We found out the guy had been across the street from us the whole time. We'd just barely missed him!
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