Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

It feels like it has been way too long since I've tried to free write anything, but I think it will be good for me to give it a shot to help increase my fluency. I'm attempting to keep my eyes on the words that appear on my screen, rather than to glance at the clock that can't seem to keep from changing. It's been a busy past week, so I'd love for the time to slow down a bit. A breather would be much appreciated. I'm normally in bed by this time since I have work so early tomorrow, but lately I've been a bit of a night owl. It's definitely not intentional, I just have so many things I need to do throughout the course of the day. I had planned to use today as a catch up day on all of my classes, that didn't work as planned. My lovely internet was down until around 11. It causes some slight difficulties when all of your current classes are online.

I'm really hoping that overtime writing will come to me much easier. I've always been envious of people who don't even have to think about what they're writing. It must be wonderful to have an imagination like that. I'm too logical of a person to not at least ponder for a while about what my fingers happen to be typing up. I'd like to be able to have the creative to come up with my own short story. Just something written purely for entertainment purposes. I've never had the desire to make a career out of writing. I enjoy doing it as more of a hobby. Especially when I have a lot of things on my mind. Writing really does serve as a good outlet. The more I type, I discover that I may actually enjoy having a blog. I plan for my thoughts to be a little less all over the place while I write hopefully. I actually did some writing this morning a little while after I had woken up. I considered putting it on here, but I'm not quite that bold yet. Maybe with time, I'll feel a little more confident in posting the things I've written. Well, it's been fun, but my eyes are telling me I need to get some sleep for tomorrow. Goodnight.

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